What is Nada Yoga?
In the Vedic tradition, Sound vibrations are called Nada. Nada Yoga employs sound not only to restore physical and mental health, but the Sound practices are also regarded as a path to spiritual awakening. Nada Yoga distinguishes external sounds (Ahata) and internal sounds (Anahata). Through Nada Yoga, it is said that you can remove all impurities in the physiology. Chanting External sounds perceived by the ears through the sense of hearing. Nada Yoga Ahata practice can be as simple as listening to music and gently focusing the mind on the individual notes. A practitioner can listen to the different natural music and notes—bird songs, rain, ocean waves, the wind playing with individual leaves of a tree. Another Ahata practice is chanting of sacred Mantras such as OM (AUM) focusing on each sound and vibration it creates in the body aiming to make the awareness withdraw from the outside world and move inwards. Internal Sound (Nada) Internal sounds, unlike external, are perceived not through the physical body but the Anahata Chakra, the Heart Chakra. Nada Yoga teaches that each human body has its unique vibration or inner Sound. By regulating the breath and blocking the noise from the outside by closing the ears with the thumbs, the attention can be gently turned inwards; then, if listening carefully, the inner Sound can be perceived. Over time the Sound becomes more comfortable to hear, experienced practitioners can hear the Nada sound even without closing the ears. Aligning your mind with this Sound helps to balance your energetic body and, entering a deep meditative state, connect you with your divine nature.
What is a Mantra?
Mantra The word Mantra is translated from Sanskrit as Mind Instrument (Man – mind, Tra – instrument). It is regarded as a tool to free the mind from the bondage of this world. It is defined variously in English as a prayer, hymn or song of praise, sacred formula, incantation, etc. Mantra can be a sound, a syllable, a word, a group of words or sentences that, creating the resonance in the whole being (body, mind and spirit), have the power to heal the physical body, calm the mind and awaken the spirit. Mantras originated in the Vedic tradition of India at least 3000 years ago, later becoming an essential part of the Hindu tradition and a customary practice within Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Reciting of Mantra can include verbal repetition in the form of chanting in a normal voice (baikhari), whispering (upanshu), or silent mental incantation (manasik). When Mantra is integrated into the practice of Sound Meditation, concentration and control of the mind come easily. Sound Meditations with Mantras are the shortest way to the experience of higher states of mind and expanded consciousness. Mantra chanting has many profound benefits:
Reduces Anxiety and Depression
Releases Neuroses
Boosts Immunity
Soothing the Nervous system
Stimulates intuition and creativity
Promotes concentration
Helps to enter the state of Meditation